The little yellow pill, yes indeed it appears that this will remain part of my daily regimen. I went back to SIU, and was evaluated after being off meds for thirty six hours. Thirty six very long hours, I might add. I have no idea how this well nourished girl ever made it through the day without those little power pills. My overly handsome doctor explained to me that once we started the meds, it would be hard to function without them. He was so very right. Anyway, the neurologist in Springfield simply stated that the diagnosis was correct and that the meds that had been prescribed were correct and he could see no reason for me to come all the way down there, when the neurologist in Peoria was doing a fine job. I explained to him that I had been sent to him by this fine doctor in Peoria and his response was simply "I can't give you another diagnosis if that's what you want." He wrote a few notes and out the door he went. I left that day feeling as though I wasn't a rare enough case for him. I pictured him walking out and telling the nurse "yea, just another Parkinson's patient, Next." On a good note, I have adjusted the little yellow pill a bit. I take one extra pill a day, this really helps avoid the "down times". I have had a really good week and according to some doctors, once you tweak the meds to suit you, they may be good for up to five years.
Yes indeed, I just celebrated the 19th anniversary of my 21st birthday. Turning forty really wasn't all that bad. In fact, it was a blast. I will post pictures and tell you all about the best weekend a forty year old, well nourished gal could have.
Today has been a good day.