Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm Back


It has been almost two years and many emails since I updated this blog.  I thought about starting a new one, but that would mean explaining much of my rambling, as well as much of the background of when I was diagnosed. So, for anyone new reading dont' be lazy just scroll to the bottom and read some of the older posts.  I have been asked so many times, why I stopped updating.  Well, honestly I began to feel as though the disease was defining who I was, or who others seen me as.  In some crazy way backing off of this and keeping  much to myself, well besides my facebook posts, would help me mentally. 

Two years?  Wow, It will take a few posts to catch you all up on some of the fucked up crazy things that have gone on.  Oh, anyone new reading, If you are offended by and occasional F bomb, you should probably go back to facebook and read about every ones problems on there. Lets see, I have officially made it through what my, not so good looking or good speaking neurologist called "the honeymoon phase." My first thought was this was a milestone passed in the journey with this shit pot disease.  Yea, not so much.  In a nut shell, it means the first few years are easiest once meds kick in.  Many may remember my little yellow fellow, well he has had to have a few more meds added to help him work. 
Well, maybe the photo is a bit of an exaggeration, but some nights it feels like it.  I am having a lot of sleeping issues, not that I cant sleep, it just seems my clock is set to sleep during the day and be up all night.  As many other Parkys (someone who is fighting this shit pot disease some call Parkinson's) Fatigue is a huge issue.  What the hell, it's nasty out anyway right?

Instead of starting out with all the changes, I will remind you all of a few things.  I hate when people tell me "they just love Michael J Fox"  I would never walk up to an alcoholic and be like "I just loved Betty Ford".  I still will not under any circumstance try to play Jenga, I fucking hate to loose as I always seem to be the one to cut the game short.  As much as I admire this man
I hate being compared to him.  I didn't stand on a huge square mat, surrounded by ropes and take repeated blows to the head.  I have been known to hit my head on the cupboard door from time to time, but I am pretty sure this did not cause my lack of dopamine.  What did cause it?  Sure as hell wish I knew.  One man stated that "genetics is the ammo but the environment pulls the trigger".  This could explain why the number of people being diagnosed before the age of 40 has risen by 25% in the last ten years.  There is one thing that my views have changed about over the last two years.  I will explain what changed my feelings on this when I update next time. Today has been a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Holli

    I am so happy to see that you have started writing your blog again. You have a wonderful gift and you make the world a better place with your quick wit, unique style, and your relentless determination. You have never given yourself enough credit as far as your writing skills so, please keep up the blog, and consider writing that children's book that you were going to write not to long ago. I believe that you would surprise a lot of people including yourself if you were to go all in with your writing. I look forward to your next blog and seeing that children's book in the near future.
    Your anonymous admirer !
