Monday, February 7, 2011

Laughter and bad feet

So, everyone has heard the expression "hit the ground running".  Well in a perfect world the feet above would be mine and I'd be running. That however is not the case.  I have a hard time lately being without shoes on.  Parkinsons does some crazy things to your body and I am the lucky recipient of horrible pains in my right foot.  As my sister so lovingly pointed out, it looks as though I have a cramp in my foot all the time.  Without shoes on it also feels that way.  So, after a night of actually sleeping with a not so attractive tennis shoe on I decided it was time to ask for some help.  A couple of phone calls and a lot of explaining how my foot is constantly arched, and I just need a shoe of sort to be able to sleep in.  Something to help with this
I am told I need night splints, so off to the local pharmacy I go.  While waiting in line, an older woman started up a conversation with me.  I'm really not sure what she was talking about but she seemed nice enough.  It was my turn and I was describing to the nice lady behind the counter what I wanted, it was obvious she didn't get it.  I was beginning to get nervous and I was starting to feel my little jig coming on.  Ten minutes later I am telling her " I have parkinsons and is causing havoc on my foot, I need something like a shoe to sleep in" The older woman behind me had not said a word until she heard Parkinsons..  She taps me on the shoulder and says,   "I just love Michael J Fox".  I wasn't sure what to say so I turned around and waited for the nice lady to flip a few more pages in her catalog.  Again, I hear her say "Michael J Fox is one of my favorites".  I turned looked her dead in the eye and said " yea, Michael J Fox huh?  Well, he sucks and Jenga.
I'm not sure she knew what Jenga was and I'm quite certain she never played.  The look on her face was something like this
I began to laugh, out loud actually.  I am thirty nine years old, looking for orthopedics to sleep in for fucks sake and this hag wants to talk about Michael J Fox.  The lady behind the counter heard the entire conversation and that made me laugh even harder.  I had heard the jenga joke a long time ago and I guess my tiny mind was nice enough to store it away for just the right moment.   The trip wasn't real successful as far as getting my new sleeping gear, but it was successful at giving me a good laugh.  So everyone out there in cyber world please keep in mind,   Not everyone who has parkinsons loves Michael J Fox.  I do find him charming in a 1980's kind of way. I think what he is doing for research is amazing, but because I have Parkinsons does not mean I want to talk about Michael J Fox.  
If you happen to come a cross a person sleeping with only one shoe, don't assume he is drunk. Maybe he suffers from this shitty disease as well.  Ok,  he's probably drunk, just sayin.   Anyone know of a nice place to get single shoes?  It needs to be for a right foot and size ten. No pumps please. 
Today was a pretty good day.

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